Tuesday, February 21, 2012

This one’s for you, #362

Home sick today with some sort of food-poisoning mumbo-jumbo....Scared to keep reading?

Quickly tired of everything TV, I began exploring the very depths of the internets... which led me far past Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and all things YouTube until I stumbled onto my blog, Negative, Ghostwriter. My cold, lonely, neglected blog...

It has been 362 days since my last post. A sin, I’m sure, in the blogosphere. 

A few days ago, a friend mentioned that he followed my blog religiously for 3 months last year, until he finally gave up because I was "too damn lazy" and stopped writing. Hmm... lazy... not a word I like to associate with. Whether too lazy or too busy, the fact is I have neglected my blog and my dear friend, who hangs on my every word (smiles).

Even in my food-poisoned stupor, I can tell that this ghostwriter needs a writing outlet yet again. This is my comeback. A post in less than 362 days will be deemed a victory.